Mojim 歌詞

cocoa + 】 【 歌詞 】 合計500件の関連歌詞
1 〜 100項目の結果です。キーワードをもう一つ追加し、検索結果を縮小して下さい

アルバム ( ページリンク ) ソング ( ページリンク )( 部分歌詞 )
1 4.Miracle Chocolate Night うmagicalのチョコ Sugar& Cocoa powderまだ足りない Milk& a little Liqueurまぜちゃう?二人の距離、溶けちゃう It's like miracle night it
2 2.cocoa ロッタ-CARNALOTTA2.cocoa 作詞 うちだゆうし 作曲 うちだゆうし安心いつか当たり前に変わり最後に無関心見えづらくて近づいたのに余計見えなくなった見ようともしなくなってた笑いない涙ない喧
3 1.cocoa カルナロッタ-cocoa1.cocoa 作詞 うちだゆうし 作曲 うちだゆうし安心いつか当たり前に変わり最
4 2.dejavu ft. BIM Shuta Nishida ッドの上青白く照らす画面見つめてないで cocoa butter kiss朝にはwalkもう違うstreetまるで苦いけど甘い we kiss to the drama at night don't go I
5 6.健全Reggae Anthem feat.J-REXXX るなよよそ見 Shabba ranks Cocoa-Tみたいな2人 Microphone使い Raggaな歌歌い最後に Smile Gyal dem a winey火を付けて Highに Systemが唸りJe

6 1.健全Reggae Anthem feat.J-REXXX るなよよそ見 Shabba ranks Cocoa-Tみたいな2人 Microphone使い Raggaな歌歌い最後に Smile Gyal dem a winey火を付けて Highに Systemが唸りJe
7 1.RE: I miss my cocoa butter kiss」 are u freaking kidding me?そう誰かに合わせ killing me now「think I need change one more now. I miss my ... hange one more now. I miss my cocoa butter kiss」 wow近づいては離れてゆく指の隙間からこぼれたキセキのように wow夢に見た景色はほらここにある確かなこの時 howling時を越えて今響いた声が枯れ果てた地に光を灯して狙い定めたらさあ駆け出してもう一度君と始
8 6.cocoa feat. kojikoji 音-Fantasy club6.cocoa feat. kojikoji 作詞 空音 作曲 空音「雪が降ってるよ」って君が今朝言ったもんだからさ帰った暁(あかつき)には Hugでもしてベッドに飛び込もう
9 19.Cocoa xy Zone-PAGES19.Cocoa菊池風磨(Sexy Zone) 作詞 FUMA 作曲 TWUNE行きの並木道はいつからか帰り道になった変わらぬ景色を意識し始めるようになった日々の中思い出せ
10 11.Sweet Lies 거짓말로너를녹여 Like a hot cocoa in the winter억지로너를밀어내려했어계속해서 Had to tell you that I lie to you but you know I'm
11 13.Cocoa RDINARY TIMES13.Cocoa 作詞 越智健太 作曲 BUZZ THE BEARSあなたがいたからいつだってずって楽しくてあなたの命を僕が燃やせたならその瞳はまた僕を映すどんな高価な宝石よ
12 2.Sweet Lies(Korean Ver.) 거짓말로너를녹여 Like a hot cocoa in the winter억지로너를밀어내려했어계속해서 Had to tell you that I lie to you but you know I'm
13 2.甜蜜謊言(Sweet Lies)- Chinese Ver. 需要最甜蜜的謊言 Like a hot cocoa in the winter就像在懸崖無情把你推下並且繼續 Had to tell you that I lie to you But you know I'm
14 2.cocoa 乃-恋占2.cocoa 作詞 結花乃 作曲 結花乃あったかい ... 作曲 結花乃あったかいcocoaが喉の奥までじわってつたって素直にはなれない私はいつも傷だらけ刺さった ... にご褒美を甘い×8 cocoaが閉ざした体に沁みわたる今宵×8私はキスしたいって素直に言えるかなそれ ... スしたいよ甘い×8 cocoaが閉ざした体を溶かすから今宵×8私はキスしたいって素直に言え
15 2.COCOA Rei-ORB2.COCOA 作詞 Rei 作曲 Reiおしくらまんじゅうの満員電車 Looking out the window桃の花が咲く窓の外に気づかない people Ever
16 1.ハート全僕宣言! ート全僕宣言! /STRAWBERRY COCOA CHOICE1.ハート全僕宣言! 作詞 橋口いくよ 作曲 林哲司(ハイ! High! Hiii!!)(ハイ! High! Hiii!!)ハート跳ねてバ
17 2.赤い箱のクラッカー~Let's party~ ート全僕宣言! /STRAWBERRY COCOA CHOICE2.赤い箱のクラッカー~Let's party~ 作詞 橋口いくよ 作曲 林哲司最高のHoliday準備万端? Are you ready
18 7.Happening Again joe boom”Pelligrini・Cocoa Sarai 作曲 Ibrahim“Ayb”Asmar Feel the beating of my heart I'm breathing heavy in t
19 7.ハプニング・アゲイン joe boom”Pelligrini・Cocoa Sarai 作曲 Ibrahim“Ayb”Asmar Feel the beating of my heart I'm breathing heavy in t
20 1.ドリーマー ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA1.ドリーマー 作詞 鎌苅健太 作曲 奥田もとい今日も一人ぼっち彼はグレイダック羽を丸めて涙流しうつむいて歩く誰かがまた笑う「ミニクイアヒル」お願いだか

21 2.Soldier ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA2.Soldier 作詞 青山未央・井出卓也 作曲 鮫島巧挑んでけ Mr.Soldier世界を突破するんだ弱音は捨てちまえこの瞬間(トキ)は二度とない夢
22 3.Style ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA3.Style 作詞 鎌苅健太・井出卓也 作曲 R・O・N I'm gonne use magic bring it onいくらでもさぁ map出せ
23 4.ハリキリ女神 ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA4.ハリキリ女神 作詞 leonn Rap詞井出卓也 作曲 大西克巳 Hey yo! Everybody let's get it started S
24 5.Anniversary ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA5.Anniversary 作詞 鎌苅健太 Rap詞井出卓也 作曲 Pierre初めて言葉交わし合った日はまだあの公園も広く見えて共にはしゃいだ今では
25 6.青い花 ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA6.青い花 作詞 鈴木勝吾 作曲 関屋直樹 I miss you…咲く花は青い風に揺られてその言葉涼しげに空に舞って伸ばせば届くのかなあの太陽に妬かれて
26 7.さよならじゃなくて・・・ ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA7.さよならじゃなくて・・・ 作詞 鎌苅健太 RAP詞井出卓也 作曲 黒須克彦それは幾つもの出会いの中で気付かぬままに同じ時間(とき)を涙雲に覆われた日
27 8.Smily Dayz ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA8.Smily Dayz 作詞 鎌苅健太・細貝圭 作曲 R・O・N今日も空はとても広くて僕等ほら繋がって Life is not for so lon
28 9.ラブ★メーカー ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA9.ラブ★メーカー 作詞 米原幸佑 作曲 渡辺徹俺達が追い続けた夢はスポットライトの下すべてが輝いて見えたんだ照り返す乱反射楽園と幻想の境界線で刹那に散
29 10.Over the gray ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA10.Over the gray 作詞 kenko-p Rap詞井出卓也 作曲 渡辺徹いつも DREAMIN'自分信じて風に向かう白い翼これが ANS
30 11.青春応歌 ココア男。-PREMIUM COCOA11.青春応歌 作詞 鎌苅健太 RAP詞井出卓也 作曲 田中明仁汗だくで2ケツしたさあの長い坂道は変わらずに東の空の太陽に照らされて本気でバカになれる仲
31 1.Rebirth ココア男。-RICHCOCOA1.Rebirth 作詞 鎌苅健太 RAP詞井出卓也 作曲 鮫島巧周囲(まわり)は雑音だらけ自分の声しか聞こえない冷たい部屋の壁にもたれ正解か?不正解か
32 2.Let me free~強引なほど、、、 ココア男。-RICHCOCOA2.Let me free~強引なほど、、、 作詞 leonn Rap詞井出卓也 作曲 日比野裕史後姿は遠く滲んだサヨナラだけを残して中途半端で馴れ合
33 3.ヒリヒリしようよ、、、 ココア男。-RICHCOCOA3.ヒリヒリしようよ、、、 作詞 黒須チヒロ 作曲 松井寛ギリギリだろう限界さ冗談じゃない弱音吐いてヒリヒリしてる感覚は驚くほど新鮮だね自分自身見失って
34 4.CROSS MIND ココア男。-RICHCOCOA4.CROSS MIND by HEAVEN'S 作詞 leonn 作曲 日比野裕史どんなに強くなれたとしても人はきっと一人では生きて行けないものだか
35 5.Do it!!! ココア男。-RICHCOCOA5.Do it!!! 作詞 日比野裕史 RAP詞井出卓也 作曲 日比野裕史宝の地図を手に入れたとしても手放しでは喜べない訳がある俺にとって宝(ソレ)が何
36 6.君がいたから ココア男。-RICHCOCOA6.君がいたから 作詞 leonn RAP詞井出卓也 作曲 日比野裕史 Here's me looking at your eyes. Don't t
37 7.甘い罠苦い嘘、、、 ココア男。-RICHCOCOA7.甘い罠苦い嘘、、、 作詞 黒須チヒロ 作曲 大西克巳かなりCuteなLip Baby下心もトロけるあんなとここんなとこくすぐって勘違いじゃないよMa
38 6.cocoa K PAGE-らしさのありか6.cocoa 作詞 仲手川裕介 作曲 仲手川裕介その日君との会話でひとつ疑問が浮かぶ10年後くらいの僕らはどんなだろうもちろんそのときもそばにいることを願うけどねたまに別の
39 2.Plastic Baby oxic bottle up like cocoa and butter if you're not you're not enough so bye now that the way it goes love
40 31.Rainy cocoa 下野紘-暫存31.Rainy cocoa都倉碧(下野紘) 作詞 近藤薫 作曲 近藤薫抱いてRainy dayそばでRainy dayすべてを流したら明日を探そうよ Rainy dayキラキラと輝くフワ
41 1.在夏天的起點相遇 夏天的起點相遇 作詞 狐面軍師 作曲 Cocoa在某個瞬間會想起風穿過小溪澗它追著蟬鳴從很遠方來與我相見貝殼的風鈴叮叮噹當吹拂了思念撫過我眼底倒映那片碧藍色晴天還記得嗎在我們相遇的起點在那盛夏永不褪色耀眼閃閃
42 1.桃子假像 mixed with melting cocoa夢一樣美麗 is taking on an air of fervor like a dream.別問我可不可以 Don't ask me shall we擺脫
43 9.回家的饗宴 akero ato romadiw Pacocoay paoripay mitosay ko rateng Ano milaliw kita to loma' tayra i maci Maherateng k
44 9.Minokay masaopo回家的饗宴 akero ato romadiw Pacocoay paoripay mitosay ko rateng mafana to matini大家也會圍過來聚在一起唱歌跳舞這些菜是孕育我們的奶水餵養我們長大的力量
45 4.Wonderland Colombia where the cocoa grow? Video killed the Radio Star and Youtube killed your VCR Ok no more VCR wa

46 11.High Fashion(Feat. Mustard) he four-four Inside cocoa If I got a feeling I keep it inside my heart And I keep a Patek too'cause I don
47 8.Mansa Musa(Feat. Dr. Dre& Cocoa Sarai) Musa(Feat. Dr. Dre& Cocoa Sarai) 作曲 Y. Koffi Back on my bullshit I got some money to blow I'm lookin'
48 6.The Recipe ing coffee with the cocoa Aye you can't drop my style got a whole'nother flow(What) Swimming in the money
49 2.When the Bassline Drops thems Smellin' like cocoa butter and Versace blue jeans Ben Sherman top with blue jeans Goin' in living m
50 6.FlowJoe athgate Beware like Cocoa yo I'm not a slow boat Got so much dough I va-cate in Acapulco Crazy as they co
51 7.sweet sweet weet like cocoa But all you wanna do is the coco Hangin' out with you is a no go Yeah yeah straight up Cause you're sweet(sweet sweet) like ... ou're sweet(sweet sweet) like cocoa But all you wanna do is the coco(sweet sweet) Hangin' out with you is a no go(sweet sweet sweet) Cause you're sweet[Verse1] Li ... Hook] Cause you're sweet like cocoa But all you wanna do is the coco Hangin' out with you is a no go Yeah yeah straight up Cause you're sweet(sweet sweet) like ... ou'r
52 1.The Road to Damascus Street oil stole innocence cocoa forced defeat left me dead in all but name down on Damascus Street Ooooh down o
53 7.007(feat. DeJ Loaf) ouch anything we go cocoa puffs Yeah crack your coconut Pu**y(Repeat Bridge& Chorus
54 1.The Last Days of Summer Sip some cocoa Keep your spirits high And we'll meet again I know we'll meet again[Verse2] We're changing like New England countryside Our tr ... stranger By the fire Sip some cocoa Keep your spirits high And we'll
55 11.Cocoa Butter(Interlude) ere11.Cocoa Butter(Interlude) Man1:Cocoa butter(?). You're supposed to put cocoa butter on your whole body Man2:Li
56 23.Long White Beard(w Robin Goldwasser) nd she gave me some cocoa But when I awoke it was loco I woke up with a ten foot tail A ten foot tail A t
57 7.Believe It Or Not ck Out late selling cocoa had the guns in the spot Old heads with that old bread will never get a new slo
58 12.Bon Vieux Temps 'Prophète On jouait Cocoa Tea et on jouait Garnett On jouait[XXX]comme on jouait[XXX] On dansait toute la
59 18.Cocoa Butter e Chips 1 & 218.Cocoa Butter Albanian style rock leathers in the sand I'll shoot my cousin for no
60 5.Stop Ft Tyga&2 Chainz can go oh Ass like cocoa move that thang slow mo Alumni bitch I know you can see the logo Uhh its just m
61 6.Don't Forget r the smell of your cocoa buttered skin Your eyes don't light up like the way they always did Rose wine g
62 2.Machine Ft Blacastan er than Cobra heads Cocoa Cabana nose to the coke till the coke is red Everything coke aesthetic the dope
63 6.…Puddin' d to go-go we drank cocoa from Manila Her sisters Cherry and Strawberry and Vanilla Took me into the shee
64 18.On a Cocoanut Island o Bridge18.On a Cocoanut Island On a coconut island I'd like to be a castaway with you On a cocon
65 7.Cocoanut Woman eams Come True7.Cocoanut Woman Coconut![x4] Coconut woman is calling out And everyday you can hea
66 9.Rhapsody in Black and White Could you wrap your cocoa arms here I can't keep on waiting Am i gonna have to show you some tears Pump u
67 8.Believe It or Not ck Out late selling cocoa had the guns in the spot Old heads with that old bread will never get a new slo
68 11.Long White Beard nd she gave me some cocoa But when I awoke it was loco I woke up with a ten foot tail A ten foot tail A t
69 12.Temperature's Rising time in Georgia Hot cocoa in the winter From your mouth down to your centre I don't wanna speak in tongue
70 8.Hubba Hubba ung gualawala young cocoa butter Tat her name across the brain word to Veena that's my mother Heemy is th
71 8.Ought Implies Can and I Cannot still the prince of cocoa butte
72 3.Rude Boy t all on my Reeboks cocoa and that cheap pot Popo don't wanna ease up I'm a no-showing police snuck Back
73 12.Cocoa'88 ng-So It Goes12.Cocoa'88[Intro DJ Dog Dick] Yo yo yo St. Louis Missouri Baltimore Maryland New Yo
74 20.Stink(Feat. Krizz Kaliko Stevie Stone Kendall Morgan) et what come out of cocoa leaves'posed to be high and mighty toilet bowl to breathe Socially those hidden
75 2.Hottest Christmas On Record hite Tee Cup of hot cocoa switched with some Iced Tea Shaping up nicely… HOOK Not quite Summer fam But th
76 3.Afternoons Cocoanut Groove-How To Build A Maze3.Afternoons Obstinent found all in those
77 6.Colours Cocoanut Groove-How To Build A Maze6.Colours An early morning on a winter day
78 8.The High Coast Cocoanut Groove-How To Build A Maze8.The High Coast Looking from my window To
79 12.Farang Seth aleJ'vais mettre du cocoa butter pour rentrer dam-dam Sur Paname on m'demande c'que j'ai ramené d'là-basJ
80 8.Homeboy my balls Cocoa Crispies calling Cocoa Crispies calling Cocoa Crispies calling My name and crackling in my head I think I'll watch some TV Or spin a record instead Cheers Love Connection O ... brain smells more like cheese Cocoa Crispies calling Cocoa Crispies calling Cocoa Crispies calling My name and crac
81 6.Big Balloons(The Parade Song) some hot cocoa[Chorus] Here it comes And they go marching all the clouds with all the confetti Marching this old town is breathing and ready ... ime I was sipping on some hot cocoa[Chorus] Here it comes And they go
82 17.I'm Dat Nigga der blooming like a Cocoa flower Hamper full of towels all the bitches took a shower Clean kills Stan Smi
84 3.Folk-Metaphysics I forget to put on cocoa butter Sometimes I wish I was better at song writing Sometimes I feel like the
85 8.The Gus Haynes cribbage league(feat. Busdriver) can hoodie reeks of cocoa butter and potpourri[Verse2: Busdriver] Yea you just downloaded the red heron10
86 7.Blood Oranges s on them eyes It's cocoa butter with baby oil cool water like aerials Pants surf the winds goosebumbs te
87 4.Bain de Soleil ke spilt milk clown Cocoa butter on very ashy day fam With Ray-Bans out on the islands of Cayman Or I'll
88 3.25 Bucks scratch all day Hot cocoa stove put the food in the bowl Say that's how many nights it was hard to keep g
89 10.Break Bread comes to(cocoa) Get down and do what you said(break bread)Just like a leprechaun lookin' for a jackpot Or a hot crack spot baby(break bread) ... t's a(go-go) when it comes to(cocoa) Get down and do what you said(br
90 10.Hyde2612 ke up and smell the cocoa I'm still here I guess I ain't going home today... Speeding round the streets h
91 1.Work Bitch(Remix) big boss talk over cocoa? You can see that we up Spin that thing tell them relup relup Beehead queens I'
92 2.Phonin' it in Whole flow is a bit cocoanuts Oh ayo I'm so so cold but a bit over it Listen you're fucking wack. That's
93 5.Position Yourself i Wo ni mo gbe kilo Cocoa wo'le cause dey don't know the deals I dey seal o They can't kill my vibe Desti
94 5.Perfect Bitch e girl sipping that cocoa That mean nothing to our personal No disrespect I might flex tho I make them dr
95 4.Elf Creep d for life from hot cocoa But it's fine yeah it's fine Cause she knows that I exist She knows She knows t
96 4.Hey Mario achelor pad down in cocoa beach where The hunnies at Yeah! Get up get up get off the floor She's not the
97 8.Digijam Dub(feat. Son of Sun) blend like a mix of cocoa rum and drum bun fire yo bingo semi automatic pro flow with the lingo you know
98 19.Asians On The Map y company far Young cocoa report to I Wearing things you prolly can't aford to buy But it's cool all the
99 2.Christmas in the Country ristmas day There's cocoa and pancakes for the family Loved ones gather all'round the tree This Christmas
100 5.Like Never Before er Before(feat. Cocoa Tea&Joe)(Chorus) Youre gonna make me smile like Ive never smiled Love like Ive
